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At Scotts Park Primary School we believe that regular attendance and punctuality is important to your child's achievement, wellbeing and wider development. We have exceptionally high standards when it comes to attendance and punctuality and fully expect parents/ carers to support the school in making sure that all children arrive in school every day and on time.

As a school, we celebrate children’s successful attendance through weekly assemblies and half termly rewards for high attendance. 


What should I do if my child is unwell? 

Please call our school office number 0208 460 8899 option 1.  When leaving a message please state the child's full name, class and the reason for the absence.  We do not accept emails reporting absence.

Please note that it is essential you contact the school on the first and every subsequent day of absence. Failure to do so may result in a home-visit by the school or welfare check by the Police.


What should I do if my child is going to be late? 

Every effort should be made to ensure that children are in school for the start of the school day. If your child is going to be late to school, please contact the main office via telephone to explain the reason for your child’s lateness. When arriving to school, please report to the main office, providing reason and clarification as to why your child is late. Please provide any evidence (i.e. medical/appointment). Without supporting evidence, any absence through lateness will be marked as unauthorised and will affect your child’s attendance record.


What should I do if I need to take my child out of school early or for a sustained period of time?

Taking children out of school should be seen as a last resort and alternative provision should be exhausted before taking the option to take your child out of the school day or for long periods of time. Please make sure you speak with the Head of School should there be circumstances where this may need to happen.

Authorised absence is granted only in exceptional circumstances and can only be granted by Mrs Norris. In order to request exceptional circumstances, please write to Mrs Norris via the school office and include any supporting documents which support that it is an exceptional circumstance. 


What happens if my child’s attendance goes below 96% or punctuality becomes a concern? 

Whilst we understand children do genuinely have childhood illnesses, this is taken into consideration when agreeing to authorise up to 4% absence due to ill health or appointments. If your child’s attendance falls below this level – Bromley Educational Welfare will be alerted. 

The taking of holidays during term time will be categorised as an unauthorised absence.

Schools are not permitted (in accordance with Government Guidelines) to and will not authorise any term-time holidays.


Who should I contact if I have any concerns regarding attendance?

Should you have any questions regarding attendance then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Norris, Head of School, Mrs Cummings, Attendance Officer or Mrs Garcia our Family Liaison Officer, who will be happy to discuss your child’s attendance with you.