Our School Uniform is important to us. It shows us as a community and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity and contributes to a sense of belonging. Please ensure all uniform is named.
Black or grey trousers or shorts, grey skirt or pinafore dress. Red gingham dress for summer.
Plain white button shirt.
School jumper or cardigan with logo.
School tie
Dark coloured or white socks or plain grey tights.
Low-heeled black shoes. A change of shoes for playtime may be provided.
PE Kit
Trainers or plimsolls must be worn, or bare feet for gymnastics only.
Scotts Park PE T-Shirt with Logo
Blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms
Scotts Park PE jumper for colder weather.
The kit should be kept in school and taken home at the end of term to be washed.
Jewellery and Accessories
Children are not permitted to wear jewellery in school. If ears have been pierced, stud earrings may be worn. Hair bands must either be black or the school colours of red and blue. Long hair must be tied back.