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Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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 At Scotts Park Primary School, we work hard to create a supportive environment for all children and staff alike.  We understand that during their time in education, children need to build supportive and respectful relationships in an environment that is caring.  Academic growth is important, but so is the feeling of belonging so that children can thrive in their educational environment.   

Pastoral support is a priority for all staff working in school.  We know that a child’s well-being is essential to their personal and academic success and our staff provide a nurturing presence to ensure all children are supported.  As well as being supported by teaching staff, children also have access to the school’s pastoral team and are reminded that this support is available to them across the whole school.  In some cases, our pastoral team will work with specific children through interventions or talk time sessions. These children are identified through our staff’s knowledge of them, through discussions with parents and with their teaching team.

Through our PSHE curriculum, the myHappyMind program and school-wide supportive initiatives, we want children to:

  • have self-confidence
  • be able to express a range of emotions appropriately
  • make and maintain positive relationships with others
  • cope with the stresses of everyday life
  • be able to deal with change effectively
  • have a mindset that is open to learning and achieving

Every half term, parent workshops are held throughout the academic year to support parents/ carers with various concerns children face throughout the academic year e.g. anxiety, change/ transitioning, internet safety, mental health etc.  We know that children thrive when good working relationships are embedded and workshops are a great way to build a positive community that benefits all children.

Through this emphasis on emotional support and well-being, we want all children, parents and staff in our school to feel seen, respected and heard.