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Special Visitors

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Special Visitors

From story tellers to a cave person and a variety of animals.  The children welcome the new experiences and are delighted for their school to host these amazing visitors!  We even had a space rocket crash land on our school field?  The children investigated!

Many visits have been "virtual" recently.  As part of their Electricity topic in Science, Year 4 have been applying their STEM skills by undertaking the National Grid Power Challenge! They followed a live stream lesson and made different circuits using playdough and components. They demonstrated excellent problem solving and teamworking skills too. Some future engineers in the making!

Children have regular visits from Craig Jenkins - the Storyteller.  He is a welcome visitor and friend to Scotts Park, so we were thrilled that the children didn't miss out recently and he provided each year group with a virtual tale!  Craig tells a variety of stories across the year groups and the children used this to write their own.  


During the covid period, we have also had virtual zoo visits and a covid-friendly Wild Classroom, where the children learnt to cook outdoors and find the ingredients!  


We have had other special visitors, including the Carly Heart Trust, who delivered a defibrillator which the school had fund-raised for.  The defibrillator is in the school office.


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