Art and Design
Art and Design
We teach both our history and geography through a cross curricular approach; most years across the school will be teaching a core text in English which links to their topic. This approach demonstrates to the children how these topics relate to the world around them and their own experiences. We aim to provide exciting topics which will encourage and motivate children to learn about the world around them and make them curious to learn more.
At Scotts Park, we recognise that computers are now part of everyday life. For most of us, technology is essential to our lives, at home and at work. We want to teach children the skill of 'Computational thinking' so that they feel ready for the workplace and able to participate effectively in this digital world. Computational allows us to solve problems, design systems, and understand the power and limits of human and machine intelligence. It is a skill that empowers, and one that all pupils should be aware of and develop competence in.
At Scotts Park, we want to support the children in developing their skills academically but also safely.
The mathematics curriculum at Scotts Park Primary School reflects the undeniable importance of the subject and concepts within it both at school within our learning and beyond in our everyday lives and the world around us.
We are currently in the process of introducing MathsBeat across the school - a resource which will support us in continuing to provide a clear and consistent teaching sequence with progression and assessment built in to our curriculum.
Every child develops their knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical concepts. Through real-life contexts, we equip our children with the essential mathematical understanding they require in their everyday lives now and for the future.
Our mathematics curriculum offer is one that encourages deeper thinking through building on fluency with reasoning and problem-solving embedded throughout our lessons. Children are actively encouraged to use manipulatives readily available to them in all our classrooms and they use these to both support and extend their understanding of taught concepts.
Our aim is to ensure all children are engaged with mathematics and to provide them the support or depth of learning they require, whilst having fun and enjoying their learning.
Modern Languages
Modern Languages
Physical Education
Physical Education
Physical Education at Scotts Park aims to educate and inspire our young pupils to live healthy, active lifestyles and give them the opportunity to form a solid base from which they can grow and develop. Children are given opportunities to compete at a level, which best suits their needs, and through this, begin to develop sportsmanship. The positive participation in physical education will enable children to build self-esteem, work effectively together and improve resilience, which is reflected throughout all areas the curriculum. As a school, one of our key aims is to develop the mind-set and mental state of our pupils giving them the tools to aid and protect their own well-being as well as supporting their peers. We aim to use Physical Education to build transferable skills that contribute to the success of the children.
We have dedicated PE lessons, where the children learn a range of skills, but also use PE in a cross curricular manner. We use "Active Learning", "Tagtiv8" and "Outdoor Learning" to embed knowledge on other subjects.
At Scotts Park Primary school we follow Letters and Sounds Programme of teaching which is split into 6 phases that systematically build on knowledge and skills of prior learning. We also use Phonics Play as a way to engage, consolidate and apply new learning. Letters and Sounds unpins our daily practice from EYFS through to Year 2 where Phonics is taught as a standalone, daily lesson for 25 minutes, as well as being used for daily interventions. We stream from EYFS through to Year 2 and there are a minimum of 12 different phonic groups. We organize children in this way to ensure group sizes are as small as possible but there are many benefits to doing so. This approach allows for targeted teaching which helps to develop confidence and build self-esteem in individuals, enables an appropriate level of challenge at all times, effective pace is present and improves overall outcomes for all.
At Scotts Park, we know that a good quality Science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to our world's future prosperity. Science in our school is about developing children's passion and enjoyment of Science. It is about giving children knowledge and developing their skills of working scientifically which enable them to understand the world in which they live in.
Over the past few years, we have developed our Science Curriculum at the school by listening to the views of both the staff and the children. Science is a core subject and is taught weekly in all year groups. Science lessons are planned and taught with consideration to the following principles:
We try to use equipment as much as possible through practical experiments.
We always try to plan a 'wow' moment to engage the children from the start.
Children are giving opportunities to show their enthusiasm by asking questions.
We try to bring Science 'to life' and make it relevant to our world.
Children work together and spend time investigating and finding patterns.
Long term planning for Science will follow the schools' skills and curriculum map which is based on the guidelines set out in the National Curriculum (2014). As a school we follow the Kent Scheme of W