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Curriculum Core Texts

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Curriculum Core Text Overview

Scotts Park Core Text overview for English 20/21

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1  Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2


English "Here we are" whole school text

BAME - A is for Activist

Toms Midnight Garden and "The Journey"

"Tales From the Caribbean" - Trish Cooke Horror Genre including "The Haunted Hotel" by Wilkie Collins Shakleton’s Journey Core text – tbc


English  Here we are - whole school text Goodnight Mr Tom (3 weeks) Skellig (2-3 weeks The Jamie Drake Equation (3 weeks) The Explorer (3 weeks) Core Text (1): Macbeth
  Kensukes Kingdom Rose Blanche (2 weeks) The Voyage of the Beetle (2-3 weeks) Pandora (2 weeks) Journey to the River Sea (3 weeks) Beowulf (3 weeks)


English  Core Text – Kindlekrax Core Text – Varjak Paw Core Text – The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Core Text – Pugs of the Frozen North Core Text – Olvier Twist Core Text – I was a rat!
  Gregory Cool – BAME          


  BAME WEEK – A is for Activist Escape From Pompeii Ice Palace Ug: Boy Genius of the Stone Age Arthur and the Golden Rope  / Greek Myths
English Core Text – The Magic Finger The Polar Express Narrative story Stone Age Boy
Key skills Persuasive Letter, Diary entry, Balanced Argument, Recount  Newspaper report, setting descriptions, Balanced argument, information text Narrative story, Non chronological report, Poetry: Haiku, Character descriptions Comic strip, Play scripts, persuasive writing, instructional writing Adventure story, alternative endings, letter writing, poetry


  Paddington at the circus Olivia saves the circus One day in the Savannah Non-fiction books  Lost and found How to catch a star Stuck  Beegu – CLP book Toys in Space Toy story The Pirates next door Portside pirates 
English  A is for activism (BAME school focus) BAME – CLP books Finding Nemo How to find gold – CLP boo The day the crayons quit  


  Elmer, Books from around the world  Non-fiction books Whatever next? Q – Pootle 5 Beegu Healthy eating books Bob the man on the moon The Elf on the shelf Supertato Supertato – Veggies assemble Traction Man  Everywhere bear Non-fiction books Naughty bus No dinner Jack and the Beanstalk Three Little Pigs Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs Non – Fiction books 
English Handa’s Surprise, Knuffle Bunny  Bob the man on the moon The Elf on the shelf Pom Pom is super The Three Little Superpigs Superworm    I will never not ever eat a tomato Ahhh Spider! Puffin Peter Bog Baby