Pupil Experience
At Scotts Park, we aim to provide every learner with an enriching education, underpinned by a commitment to ensuring every pupil in our care thrives and achieves their potential.
Our team of committed and passionate staff contribute to the success of our confident, independent and aspirational pupils, as they challenge and support each of our learners on their journey.
Our unique offer extends beyond academic excellence within the classroom. Our innovative approach to the pupil experience incorporates a range of activities outside the classroom, creative teaching methods, a wide range of resources and systems to support children at every stage.
This includes:
Our Specialisms
Our school incorporates a range of specialisms, unique to our school yet the norm in our strive for excellence.
- Our facilities enhance every one of our pupils’ journeys and enables us to deliver the best in learning experiences
- Specialist teachers
Our dedicated transition programme ensures that every pupil settles in to life at Scotts Park, comfortably. We take the time to get to know pupils’ personalities, likes and dislikes, hobbies, long before they join us. This continues at every stage of their journey with us, right up until we prepare them for secondary school.
Pupil Leadership
Pupil Voice plays an integral role at Scotts Park, enabling pupils to take the opportunity to influence and understand the decisions that impact their school life. Through our dedicated School Council, pupils are encouraged speak for themselves and on behalf of others, co-operate and learn to compromise; skills that we firmly believe put every child in good stead for their future. In addition, pupils are inspired to assume positions that develop their leadership skills through a range of responsibilities and roles, including:
- Prefects
- Peer Mediators
Cultivating passions, nurturing talents and providing extra opportunities for pupils to discover new hobbies is something that we feel strongly about. We believe that learning and skill building goes far beyond the classroom and by encouraging a wide range of opportunities enables the development of life-long aptitudes and skills and complements our emphasis of drawing out every child’s potential.
In addition, a wide range of enrichment experiences are built into the curriculum, ensuring that every child at Scotts Park benefits from learning prospects that extend their education and enables them to apply their learning to real life situations.
As part of our enrichment offer, we have a number of clubs on offer to pupils, covering a range of interests.
School trips form part of the curriculum and pupil experience, offering rich learning experiences, rewards and a first-hand insight into the wider world. Offered on a local and national scale, trips are offered to expand pupils’ knowledge, boost their cultural capital and develop independence and confidence.
Celebration Days / Themed Weeks
As a close-knit community, we make every effort to celebrate both pupil and staff successes and achievements, learning days and different cultures and beliefs within our diverse community.
- Rewards trips
- Celebration Assemblies
- Class chart – reward system
- Community Week
- Theme weeks – science, art, sport
- Charity days
- World Book Day
- Cultural Day
- Summer Fair
- School performances:
We work with an extensive range of external partners who share their expertise and skills with our pupils and staff to provide exciting opportunities, enhanced learning prospects and enable personal development.