Transition into Scotts Park
We know that starting "Big School" is a huge milestone for you and your child. At Scotts Park, we are incredibly proud of our Early Years facilities and staff ensure that your child is supported in taking their first steps into Primary.
Our dedicated transition programme ensures that every pupil settles in to life at Scotts Park, comfortably. We take the time to get to know pupils’ personalities, likes, dislikes and hobbies, long before they join us. This continues at every stage of their journey with us, right up until we prepare them for secondary school.
Both in the classroom and in our outside space, children will learn in an area that supports them in their own individual learning.
If your child wishes to join our school in Reception, please click on the link below. Applications for the new Reception intake must be made through your home Local Authority. If you don’t pay Council Tax to Bromley, please contact your home borough. You can include preferences for Bromley schools on your own local authority application.
Bromley Local Authority handle all of Scotts Park’s admissions; they also manage the school’s waiting list. Applying for a school place - Making an application for primary school can be found here which also provides details of our over subscription arrangements.